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이미지 제공: Vicky Ng

Korean Cuisine

Korean cuisine is largely based on rice, vegetables, and (at least in the South) meats. Traditional Korean meals are named for the number of side dishes (반찬; banchan) that accompany steam-cooked short-grain rice. Kimchi is served at nearly every meal.

이미지 제공: Portuguese Gravity

Korean BBQ

Korean barbecue (Korean: 고기구이, gogi-gu-i, 'meat roast') refers to the popular method in Korean cuisine of grilling meat, typically beef, pork, or chicken. Such dishes are often prepared on gas or charcoal grills built into the dining table itself. 
Some Korean restaurants that do not have built-in grills provide customers with portable stoves for diners to use at their tables. Alternatively, a chef uses a centrally displayed grill to prepare dishes to order.

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